Providing care for elderly. Doctor visiting elderly patient at home.

Searching for memory care? Here’s what you should know.

Start the search early! You never know just when you will start needing it most, and the process can take months. So it’s good to be proactive when you start suspecting you might need it, even if you don’t think you will need it for some time. Inquiring about it early also helps your loved one have a say in it, instead of waiting until the disease has progressed and they are no longer able to communicate as fully. All this will ultimately lead to a more positive transition.

There is also a lot of confusion about what the difference is between memory care, assisted living, and nursing homes. They all differ in purpose, cost, building structure, and care level – some more than others. 

Assisted living is the cheapest option, and for people who need help with basic tasks but do not have Alzheimer’s or dementia. Memory care is a little more expensive and offers the same help with basic tasks but with 24/7 supervision and more activities to help stimulate memory. Nursing homes are the most expensive option and provide the highest amount of care possible. Nursing home candidates often have to be evaluated and confirmed that they are in need of that level of care. Not all people that need for help with basic tasks or even memory issues need nursing home levels of care, which is why it’s important to do research early and explore your options.

Memory care facilities are also generally constructed in a way that helps soothe people struggling with Alzheimer’s and dementia – like, removing kitchens and kitchenettes from living areas to reduce accidents and stress. Hallways are generally built in a circular fashion because Alzheimer’s and dementia patients become upset when they come upon a wall. Even the colors of the rooms and walls are engineered to promote a more soothing atmosphere.

At the Village, we have the most comprehensive Memory Care facility in Rapid City. If you have more questions regarding the basics of helping a loved one get the care they need, just give us a call at (605)791-5111!