Help Keep Our Residents
January 1, 2021
Dear Residents, Families, Friends,
While supporting your loved ones in a long-term care facility, we recognize the hardship that our residents and families are experiencing right now due to COVID-19. We hear your concerns about the restrictions that have been put into place to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. We are committed to protecting our residents, families, and staff from serious illness and complications. We are pleased with how effective our precautions have been and we certainly cannot remove them without proper consideration. Please know that we are continually monitoring and reassessing our precautionary measures to ensure that we are making the most prudent and conscientious decisions.
Due to COVID-19, changes at The Village at Skyline Pines can occur daily. We encourage families to call our facility for updates.
Please contact us at 605-791-5111 to arrange a time with the front desk to schedule a virtual or in-person visit with your loved one. We will continue to provide families with any new updates regarding our facility’s COVID-19 status via phone and on our website.
Thank you very much for everything you are doing to keep our residents and staff safe and healthy. We continue to monitor the situation in our community and will keep you informed about any new precautions.
Thank You
The Village at Skyline Pines